
(BC: AC) More Content

  Archie He/Him - 17 years old - Gay 21 July 2304 Archie never felt he was good enough for anyone, always trying to live up to the standard he thought his dad had of him and still being what everyone needed him to be. Only seeing himself as a disappointment and worthless he kept to himself, never making friends other than his best friend Tommy. When he was just learning what attraction was his heart fluttered for Tommy and even he knew it was wrong so he buried them deep down so no one would know. . . . . . . Tommy He/Him - 19 years old - Gay 04 February 2302 Tommy has been in love with his best friend since his hormones started kicking in but he didn't find the girls attractive in the slightest. He knew he was gay even then. His father borderline neglected him by ignoring him as much as possible and putting his own needs above his, such as sleeping with any woman he wanted giving him the reputation as the son of a womanizer. From this he vowed he would be would change his reputati

A Collection of Prompts

Prompts - Writing Exercises - Multiple Each chapter is a new prompt created by myself. Set a thirty-minute timer and give it a try yourself. Available on Wattpad Prompts available on Instagram and Pinterest Always Free

(BC: AC) Archies 2321

  Dystopian - Romance - Erotica - LQBTQ+ 86911 words - 22 Chapters Published 14 February 2024 eBook - Paperback The world seems to be against Archie, as much as his own mind, but a reason to live finds him in a way he never expected —in a way he only ever dreamed. The virus has come out of the dark, crawling back into their lives and bringing only one thing: death. But Archie doesn't fear death as much as his own heart. His heart is wrong, and he knows it. The love he feels shouldn't be what keeps him alive, but he's all Archie can think about. His long hair, his warm eyes, and the smirk he wears so well. His head says it's a death sentence, but his heart wants to know more. So, the question is, will he choose his head or his heart? BC: AC Archies 2321 Archies 2322 Archies 2323 This book comes with a range of trigger warnings. Sexual Explicit Content Coarse Language Suicide Depression Mental Health Self-Hate Misgendering Death Coronavirus Pandemic Coming Out Themes Infi

(BC: AC) Series

Dystopian - Romance - Erotica - LQBTQ+ Covid-19 changed the world by destroying it, mutating in a way no one ever thought possible. Three hundred years after the pandemic, Archie struggles with mental health and his identity. He falls in love with his best friend and brings the virus into his clan, condemning them all, but that isn't the only challenge this seventeen-year-old faces. Archies 2321 Archies 2322 Archies 2323 The inspiration for this series came from my own mental health. The original draft (which I no longer have) was me writing down how I felt in a way I felt I could express it. At the time of writing this, I had depression, anxiety, and was suicidal, and was an overthinker, although hiding it was a skill I had mastered. I used a mask to conceal how I felt every day, my dark thoughts and longings hidden behind a smile, convincing everyone I was just fine. I know I am not the only person to feel so lost in their own mind, foreign in their own skin. I know what it feels

The Siren

Short Story - Fantasy - Romance - LGBTQ+ 6673 words Published February 2024 720-year-old Kailani is running for her life-hunted by a man set on revenge. Injured and dying, a woman hides her, but this woman does more to Kailani than save her life. Introducing her to a different side of the world she despised. However, when Kailani reveals her identity, will this woman betray her? This short story comes with a range of trigger warnings. Death Violence Available on Google Books and Wattpad Always Free.